Our Services

All of our services are offered in person or via Teletherapy.

We Evaluate and Treat

Language delays ( Expressive and Receptive )

Articulation and Phonological disorders and delays

Apraxia (motor planning speech disorder)


Social skill / pragmatic disorders

Early literacy deficits

Cognitive-linguistic deficits




Screening is a brief measure used to determine if a more comprehensive evaluation of skills is warranted. If a child’s abilities indicate that they are below age-appropriate levels in one or more areas of communication, further testing will be offered in those areas.

Strides Speech Therapy also provides program wide screenings at local preschools and private schools. 

Please contact us to learn more.



An evaluation is used to help better understand why a child is having difficulty in one or more aspects of communication. Prior to beginning our evaluation, a thorough case history will be completed and an interview with the client and family will occur. Utilizing this information and the reason for referral, specific standardized assessments and informal tools will be chosen to evaluate each client to determine their strengths and weaknesses. A completed report will detail the findings and include an individualized treatment plan, including goals, interventions and instructional approaches if appropriate.

If a client has been evaluated by another licensed and ASHA certified Speech-Language Pathologist within the last 12-months and a current treatment plan is available, a formal evaluation is not needed.


Strides Speech Therapy offers individual or group treatment to address areas of need as indicated on an evaluation. With younger children, we take a play based approach to treatment. We utilize each child’s interests and strengths to motivate them throughout the therapy sessions. Part of our sessions include parent training and feedback for further carryover to increase communication success and build on goals targeted in therapy.
Contract Speech-Language Therapy

Strides Speech Therapy also provides contract Speech-Language Pathologists in a variety of settings including public schools. We take pride in providing qualified Speech-Language Pathologists that have a passion for what they do. Our clinicians have appropriate licensure, experience and a desire to remain knowledgeable about current best practices in field of Speech-Language Pathology. Learn More.

Every child is gifted. They just unwrap their packages at different times.


Spread the light. Be the lighthouse.


Raise your words, not your voice. It's the rain that grows the flowers, not the thunder.


Every child is a different kind of flower and altogether make this world a beautiful garden.


One of the hardest things in life is having words you can't utter.

-James Earl Jones

Ther is no greater agony than hearing an untold story inside you.

-Maya Angelou